----The Problem----
Old men have historically been content to send young men to war in pursuit of their aspirations for more land, power and resources. Unlike the soldiers they send to war, these aggressors face no personal risk to their lives or freedom. What if they did? Would they think twice before sending others to their death?

----The Solution----
What if starting a war was a war crime? What if there was a billion-dollar bounty for the invading president's apprehension and a life sentence for war crimes? What if there was a world peacekeeping force and it had a mandate to intervene to protect member nations and apprehend invading presidents?

What if this protection was offered to every country willing to participate, thereby removing the threat that NATO poses to non-NATO nations? What if there was no veto power as is the case now with the UN Security Council and which serves to cripple its ability to effectively operate? Would such a system deter aggression and promote peace?

Yes, it would!

That is the premise behind the constitution for the World Peacekeeping Force (WPF) drafted with the assistance of AI. Read it below. Print it out and send it to your political leaders. If enough people do this, our call for peace and a way to achieve it, will be heard! Let's make the WPF a reality!


We, the peoples of the world, united in our quest for a world free from war, conflict and strife, recognizing our shared responsibility to create a future of lasting peace and prosperity, do hereby establish the World Peacekeeping Force (WPF).

The WPF shall serve as: 

  • An instrument of collective security: deterring aggression and preventing conflict by holding invading leaders accountable rather than the nation’s people, and making the initiation of war itself, a war crime.
  • A beacon of hope: offering a peaceful path for equitable resolution of border disputes to promote harmonious coexistence of nations and fostering a new found brotherhood among mankind..
  • A pathway to denuclearization: to provide a safer world for all its inhabitants.

 Article I: Membership

 Section 1: All nations are welcome to enlist in the WPF.

 Section 2: Membership signifies a nation's allegiance to upholding the tenets of this Constitution.

Section 3: Nations engaged in active military conflicts may not apply for membership.

Section 4: Member nations agree to not enter into any treaties or agreements that conflict with this one and affirm there are currently no such agreements in place.

Section 5: A member nation may terminate its membership at anytime by giving a notice of denunciation to the other member nations. 

Article II: Mandate

 Section 1: The WPF shall intervene and repel any military incursion by the armed forces of any nation, nations, or terrorist group against a member nation. 

Section 2: Military incursion of a member nation constitutes a war crime, and the leader of the invading nation or terrorist group shall be brought to trial before the WPF Criminal Court (WPFCC).


Section 3: A conviction for war crimes shall result in life imprisonment. Reduction of a sentence, before or after its imposition, requires a simple majority vote by member nations.

Section 4: A bounty of one billion United States Dollars shall be offered to any individual or group that delivers an invading leader to the WPF or WPFCC.

Section 5: WPFCC judges, elected by member nations, serve five-year terms. 

Section 6: Upon military activation, the WPF's objective is to apprehend and deliver the invading leader to the WPFCC, with the utmost priority given to preserving human life as best possible and using the minimum force necessary to achieve this objective. 

Section 7: To incentivize membership, the WPF shall not engage in the defense of non-member nations. To do otherwise, would incentivize non membership and effectively derail the efficacy of this organization. 

Section 8: If an invading nation is a member nation, they shall also be repelled, and their leader brought before the WPFCC. WPF military personnel are exempted from serving in operations that involve their home country. 

Section 9: A nation’s membership shall not be revoked if its leader orders the invasion of another member nation. Only the leader is held accountable at the WPFCC, and that nation’s people shall still enjoy the safety and security provided by the WPF. 

Article III: Intervention in Civil Conflicts 

Section 1: The WPF may intervene in civil conflicts within any nation, regardless of membership status, if the state's leader employs lethal force to suppress protests or oppress the citizenry. 

Section 2: WPF intervention under this Article requires a supermajority vote of two-thirds of all member nations. 

Section 3: The objective in this scenario is to apprehend and deliver the offending leader to the WPF or WPFCC.

Article IV: Resources

Section 1: Member nations shall contribute a minimum of 1% of their GDP and 0.1% of their population in troops to support the WPF. 

Section 2: Failure to fulfill the aforementioned quota by January first of each year shall result in a one-year suspension of membership. 

Section 3: WPF military bases shall be established strategically around the globe.


Section 4: Member nations shall continue to do research and develop their respective national military capabilities to ensure their capabilities and technologies are not exceeded by present or future nonmember states. 

Section 5: Member nations shall contribute technologies and defense capabilities that display that nation’s highest achievements but may choose to limit some of those capabilities to WPF military bases staffed exclusively by citizens of their own respective nations. 

Article V: Leadership

Section 1: The leadership of the WPF shall rotate among member nations, with the Defense Minister of each nation serving a two-year term and to be selected by a vote of member nations. 

Section 2: No Defense Minister may serve consecutive terms. 

Section 3: The Defense Minister allocates WPF funds for weaponry, defense operations, to build and maintain military bases, staffing and administrative costs. 

Section 4: The Defense Minister may assemble a support staff as deemed necessary. 

Section 5: The Defense Minister shall collaborate with the support staff to plan and direct military actions in pursuit of peacekeeping objectives. 

 Section 6: The Defense Minister may be impeached and removed from office by a two-thirds supermajority vote of member nations. 

Section 7: The Defense Minister, upon taking office, shall designate a Deputy Defense Minister to assume the responsibilities in the event of the Defense Minister's incapacitation, impeachment, or removal by the president or leader of the originating nation. 

Section 8: If a Defense Minister's term for their nation ends before their two-year term serving the WPF is complete, they may finish their term serving the WPF if they have the approval of the incoming president or national leader to do so. 

Article VI: Border Disputes

Section 1: A panel of five (5) judges from the WPFCC shall serve as arbitrators and hear arguments related to border disputes. 

Section 2: In cases of disputed borders, a decision reached unanimously by three out of the five appointed judges regarding the optimal resolution and demarcation shall be recognized and adhered to by the member nations involved in the dispute


Section 3: An appeal process may be initiated within 7 days of the judges’ decision, during which a stay of execution will be granted. The nations contesting border demarcations have the right to request a vote to determine the fairness and integrity of the judges' findings and solution, ensuring the absence of corruption or collusion. A simple majority vote among member nations is then conducted to either uphold or overturn the judges' decision, with no further avenue for appeal. If the majority vote rejects the decision, the member nations will convene to select an appellate panel of judges to recommence the process. 

Section 4: Judges are mandated by this constitution to find a solution or compromise with the underlying principle being that movement of borders and loss of land is more desirable than loss of life through military engagement. 

Section 5: Judges with past or present citizenship in the countries where the borders are being disputed are automatically recused. Temporary stand-in judges will be voted in by member nations to replace recused judges.

 Article VII: Amendments 

Section 1: This Constitution may be amended by a supermajority vote of two-thirds of all member nations. 

Section 2: No amendment shall be granted that gives veto power to any nation or group of nations. 

Section 3: No amendment shall be granted that authorizes use of WPF military force for purposes other than those described in Article II and Article III. 

Section 4: No amendment shall be granted that excludes any nation from membership based on anything other than noncompliance with the resource quota outlined in Article IV Section 1. 

Section 5: Any nation may propose an amendment or a vote on any matter requiring voting, with no limitation on the number of proposals or votes submitted. Nations may lock their vote, eliminating the need to vote repeatedly, and they may unlock and modify their vote at any time. 

Article VIII: Nuclear Weapons 

Section 1: Ten years after the ratification of this constitution and upon establishing its efficacy in deterring aggression and fostering peace, member nations possessing nuclear arms shall initiate negotiations to gradually eliminate all nuclear weapons. 

In Witness Whereof, the undersigned, duly authorized representatives of the member nations, have signed this Constitution on this day, affirming their commitment to global peace and security.


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