Section 3: A conviction for war crimes shall result in life imprisonment. Reduction of a sentence, before or after its imposition, requires a simple majority vote by member nations.

Section 4: A bounty of one billion United States Dollars shall be offered to any individual or group that delivers an invading leader to the WPF or WPFCC.

Section 5: WPFCC judges, elected by member nations, serve five-year terms. 

Section 6: Upon military activation, the WPF's objective is to apprehend and deliver the invading leader to the WPFCC, with the utmost priority given to preserving human life as best possible and using the minimum force necessary to achieve this objective. 

Section 7: To incentivize membership, the WPF shall not engage in the defense of non-member nations. To do otherwise, would incentivize non membership and effectively derail the efficacy of this organization. 

Section 8: If an invading nation is a member nation, they shall also be repelled, and their leader brought before the WPFCC. WPF military personnel are exempted from serving in operations that involve their home country. 

Section 9: A nation’s membership shall not be revoked if its leader orders the invasion of another member nation. Only the leader is held accountable at the WPFCC, and that nation’s people shall still enjoy the safety and security provided by the WPF. 

Article III: Intervention in Civil Conflicts 

Section 1: The WPF may intervene in civil conflicts within any nation, regardless of membership status, if the state's leader employs lethal force to suppress protests or oppress the citizenry. 

Section 2: WPF intervention under this Article requires a supermajority vote of two-thirds of all member nations. 

Section 3: The objective in this scenario is to apprehend and deliver the offending leader to the WPF or WPFCC.

Article IV: Resources

Section 1: Member nations shall contribute a minimum of 1% of their GDP and 0.1% of their population in troops to support the WPF. 

Section 2: Failure to fulfill the aforementioned quota by January first of each year shall result in a one-year suspension of membership. 

Section 3: WPF military bases shall be established strategically around the globe.