Section 4: Member nations shall continue to do research and develop their respective national military capabilities to ensure their capabilities and technologies are not exceeded by present or future nonmember states. 

Section 5: Member nations shall contribute technologies and defense capabilities that display that nation’s highest achievements but may choose to limit some of those capabilities to WPF military bases staffed exclusively by citizens of their own respective nations. 

Article V: Leadership

Section 1: The leadership of the WPF shall rotate among member nations, with the Defense Minister of each nation serving a two-year term and to be selected by a vote of member nations. 

Section 2: No Defense Minister may serve consecutive terms. 

Section 3: The Defense Minister allocates WPF funds for weaponry, defense operations, to build and maintain military bases, staffing and administrative costs. 

Section 4: The Defense Minister may assemble a support staff as deemed necessary. 

Section 5: The Defense Minister shall collaborate with the support staff to plan and direct military actions in pursuit of peacekeeping objectives. 

 Section 6: The Defense Minister may be impeached and removed from office by a two-thirds supermajority vote of member nations. 

Section 7: The Defense Minister, upon taking office, shall designate a Deputy Defense Minister to assume the responsibilities in the event of the Defense Minister's incapacitation, impeachment, or removal by the president or leader of the originating nation. 

Section 8: If a Defense Minister's term for their nation ends before their two-year term serving the WPF is complete, they may finish their term serving the WPF if they have the approval of the incoming president or national leader to do so. 

Article VI: Border Disputes

Section 1: A panel of five (5) judges from the WPFCC shall serve as arbitrators and hear arguments related to border disputes. 

Section 2: In cases of disputed borders, a decision reached unanimously by three out of the five appointed judges regarding the optimal resolution and demarcation shall be recognized and adhered to by the member nations involved in the dispute